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Design Patterns

Creational Patterns

Provides solutions for object creation and instantiation, abstracting the process and promoting flexibility and reusability.

Abstract Factory

The Abstract Factory pattern provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects, without specifying their concrete classes.

  • Use case: Creating UI components for different operating systems (e.g., Windows, macOS)
  • Use case: Generating different themes for a user interface (e.g., light theme, dark theme)

InShort: creates families of related objects without specifying concrete classes


The Builder pattern separates the construction of an object from its representation, allowing the same construction process to create different representations.

  • Use case: Creating complex objects with many optional parameters
  • Use case: Building HTML elements dynamically

InShort: separates object construction from its representation


The Factory pattern provides an interface for creating objects, allowing subclasses or derived classes to determine the exact type of objects to be created.

  • Use case: Creating instances of different database connectors based on configuration
  • Use case: Generating different types of UI components based on user input

InShort: provides an interface for creating objects


The Prototype pattern involves creating objects by cloning existing objects, providing a mechanism for creating new objects based on existing ones.

  • Use case: Creating multiple instances of a complex object with predefined properties
  • Use case: Implementing a copy functionality for objects

InShort: creates objects by cloning existing objects


The Singleton pattern ensures that only a single instance of a class is created and provides a global point of access to that instance.

  • Use case: Managing a shared resource, such as a database connection or logger
  • Use case: Creating a global configuration object

InShort: ensures a single instance of a class


Abstract Factory (A) - Picture a factory that produces different types of products, such as a car factory that manufactures cars, SUVs, and motorcycles. The abstract factory pattern allows the creation of families of related objects.

Builder (B) - Imagine a construction site with builders and construction workers building a house. The builder pattern represents the step-by-step process of constructing complex objects.

Factory Method (F) - Visualize an assembly line in a factory where different raw materials and components are transformed into a finished product. The factory method pattern represents the process of creating objects in a similar way.

Prototype (P) - Visualize a photocopy machine making copies of a document. The prototype pattern allows the creation of new objects by cloning or copying existing ones.

Singleton (S) - Imagine a crown worn by a king. Just like a crown represents the uniqueness and singularity of a king, the singleton pattern ensures that only one instance of a class can exist.